Cross-Browser JavaScript Scrollbar Detection
Tyler Cipriani Posted

I recently contributed a fix to the bootstrap framework that detects on-screen scrollbars to determine whether or not the body should be padded when a modal window is opened to prevent shifting of background contents. Detecting on-screen scrollbars turned out to be a bit more involved than I initially anticipated.

The tl;dr, semi-näive version:

This works for most browsers. Basically it checks to see if the width of the window element (read: including scrollbars) is greater than the width of the root element of the page (read: without scrollbars). If the width of the page with scrollbars is greater than the width of a page without scrollbars it would stand to reason that the extra width is a scrollbar.

This solution behaves correctly when IE10+ has @-ms-viewport { width: device-width; } set (as it is in the bootstrap framework), which seems to result in scrollbars being auto-hidden. This solution also works for Chrome on the Mac where the scrollbars are automagically hidden.

This certainly seems to function as expected for IE9+; however, IE8 is our newest anchor browser so IE8 should be addressed in any ostensibly “cross-browser” approaches.

window.innerWidth doesn’t exist on IE8. Any workarounds you see utilizing document.documentElement will not include scrollbars in the reported width, so document.docutmentElement will not be an adequate substitute in < IE9.

One thing to check is the scrollHeight. If the scrollHeight of the root element is greater than the clientHeight of the root element, then that root element is going to need to scroll to show the overflowing content:

Again, this is an oversimplification. The overflow property of the root element can modify the appearance of scrollbars (to create on-screen faux llbars). Of course, once again, IE and modern browsers differ about how they’ve implemented the javascript api for accessing element styles. We can account for this difference and grab the overflow property like this:

The two values of the overflow or overflow-y properties that will create scrollbars are visible and auto provided that the scrollHeight is greater than the clientHeight. A value of scroll for the overflow or overflow-y properties will always cause a scrollbar.

This is, once again, a bit of a simplification.

In quirksmode in IE8 document.documentElement.clientHeight is 0. The root element is document.body. This won’t affect most people reading this, but just to be on the safe side let’s add it into our solution.

The final solution looks like this:

If I missed something, or if this solution is a bit of an oversimplification (le sigh), please let me know in the comments.

Jul 2014