Lowering the Barrier to Blogging
Tyler Cipriani Posted

I really want to blog more. The problem is that most of the posts to this blog are fairly long-form. This will probably change as I do blog more.

I've also moved to Pandoc for rendering posts via ikiwiki-pandoc.

In that process, I've also come to realize that pandoc handles org-mode files almost completely unambiguously—which is not actually something you get in most markup languages/markup language interpreters. BONUS: I enjoy writing in org-mode.

As is my wont, I've also created some (not-so) fancy scripts to help me:

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
GPG Security things
Tyler Cipriani Posted

Revocation Cert

Needed to revoke your key should the master signing/certifying key ever be compromised

store printed revocation cert in file or safe-deposit box

Key backup


Download paperkey and its gpg signature

Get David Shaw's public key (0x99242560) from your keyserver of choice

Verify you have downloaded the right paper key and that the level of trust is sufficient for your purposes

If you have a good signature from davidExtract and install

Print you secret key

Store it in your file or safe-deposit-box


Good Resource

By default, GnuPG creates a key for signing and an encryption subkey:

pub rsa4096 2014-02-19 [SC]
uid [ultimate] Tyler Cipriani <tyler@tylercipriani.com>
sub rsa4096 2014-02-19 [E]

You can add a new subkey with the command

And then you should see

pub rsa4096 2014-02-19 [SC]
uid [ultimate] Tyler Cipriani <tyler@tylercipriani.com>
sub rsa4096 2014-02-19 [E]
sub rsa4096 2016-09-02 [S] [expires: 2018-09-02]

You can then remove your certification master key (make sure you've gone through the key backup process before you do this!)

  1. Export all your secret subkeys
  2. Remove all your secret keys from your keyring
  3. Reimport only your subkeys

Now gpg --list-keys shows a # next to sec# next to my [SC] key. This indicates that the key is no longer accessible.

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
Tyler Cipriani Posted

sensible-editor is a shell script in Debian at /usr/bin/sensible-editor that selects a sensible editor.

See also: sensible-{browser,editor,pager}

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
Delete Local Git Commits
Tyler Cipriani Posted

Usually when I need to delete a commit from a local git repo I use:

This starts an interactive rebase session for all commits from HEAD..@{u}. Once I’m in the git rebase editor I put a drop on the line that has the commit I want to delete and save the file. Magic. Commit gone.

This is fine if you’re there to drive an editor for an interactive rebase.

The problem with interactivity

The problem with interactive rebase is you can’t easily script it.

At work I help to maintain our “beta cluster” which is a bunch of virtual machines that is supposed to mirror the setup of production. The extent to which production is actually mirrored is debatable; however, it is true that we use the same puppet repository as production. Further, this puppet repository resides on a virtual machine within the cluster that acts as the beta cluster’s puppetmaster.

Often, to test a patch for production puppet, folks will apply patches on top of beta’s local copy of the production puppet repo.

The problem here is that a lot of these commits are old and busted.

It’d be nice to have a script that periodically cleans up these patches based on some criteria. This script would have to potentially be able to remove, say, 59b7377 while leaving all the others in-tact, and it would have to do so without any access to git rebase -i or any user input.

Non-interactive commit deletion

The way to do this is with git rebase --onto.

Selective quoting of man git-rebase

The commits we want are all the commits surrounding 59b7377 without 59b7377.

So we really want to take the commits 59b7377..HEAD and rebase them onto the commit before 59b7377 (which is 59b7377^)

Tada! Commit gone.

Git Revision Colon Slash
Tyler Cipriani Posted

From gitrevisions(7)

This is the same revision that is returned by

Where it seems awesome is in combination with git revert or git commit --fixup

I could see running this in a panic:

Found via a comment on hackernews

ImageMagick to Extract a PDF Page
Tyler Cipriani Posted

Today I was working with a PDF that was 27,000 pages long (god help me).

I never tried to open that PDF. This is just the page count I got from a python script I wrote to parse that PDF to a CSV file.

When the time came to spot-check the results of that python script I needed to compare some pages deep within the PDF with the output on the CSV file.

I use the Zathura document viewer to view PDFs, but I was reasonably certain that it would choke on such a large document. Instead I extracted one page at a time using ImageMagick.

Then I opened the generated PDF using Zathura.

I was able to compare that side-by-side with the generated CSV.

Easy peasy.

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
What is Code Review?
Tyler Cipriani Posted

A jargon-less definition of code review is a difficult thing to pin- down. Code review is what happens when someone submits some code to a software project and a different person, who has knowledge about that project, checks to see if there are any problems in the submitted code before making the submitted code a part of the project.

Code review is based around the simple idea that with enough eyes all bugs are shallow.

Given a large enough beta-tester and co-developer base, almost every problem will be characterized quickly and the fix obvious to someone.

– Linus’s Law, ESR, The Cathedral and the Bazaar

This is all part of a collaborative model of software development. A model in which anyone can submit code or feedback to an open project. This model is the engine that drives the development of some of the world’s largest and most successful software projects. It’s an accepted Good Thing™. It is tested. It works. As a result, almost every software project uses code review for almost every code change—big or small.

Code review is meant to ensure that only high-quality code can be merged into a project. Code review may be used for many other purposes, some good and some bad.

Review as a pedagogical tool

Code review at its best is a Socratic teaching style.

Many software projects are large, tangled, and, sometimes, confusing. A sweeping change can create regressions, or be disruptive rather than helpful. Software functions as an interconnected system, and to learn to work within that system you must learn how that system came into being.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system.

– Gall’s Law, John Gall, Systemantics: How Systems Really Work and How They Fail

Through code review a newcomer learns about the design of the project—to work with the project’s design rather than against it. And by working with the design of a system, to work more effectively within it.

When review is done well, the person who’s code is being reviewed may learn about software design, general debugging, the management of open projects, the underlying language, or the underlying language’s implementation.

Review as culture

For better or worse, every project has a culture.

The culture that is conveyed through review may be completely innocuous. The propensity of a particular project to favor third-party libraries versus maintaining their own implementations in the project. How much trust a particular project puts in third-party entities (Jira, Github, Gitlab, etc.). The tools and best-practices for a project also often become obvious during code review. For instance, whether a project accepts pull requests via Github or not.

Meaningful cultural norms are also conveyed via code review. A project may have a culture that is generous and helpful, or it may be openly hostile to outside contribution. Ultimately, the person reviewing code has power over the person submitting code. This power dynamic can become even larger when the person submitting code is a member of a marginalized group in the society of the person reviewing the code.

The person who is reviewing (hopefully) has some sense of the power imbalance that is inherent in the code review process. It is often dishearteningly uncomfortable to give code review—particularly when you disagree with some of the code’s implementation. Code reviewers should (and often do) work hard to offer constructive feedback and to avoid hostile interactions.

Code review, from the perspective of the person who submits code, is a situation where you’re interacting with a person who has no real incentive to be nice. Code review is a situation that can tell you a lot about a person.

Mindful review

I’m far from a master when it comes to code review.

I’ve done my share of review, and I’ve had my share of reviews—both good and bad. These are the things I try to remain mindful of during the review process—both as patch-submitter and as a reviewer.

  • It takes time

    It takes a LOT of time. I spend so much time on each review because I want to offer helpful and meaningful feedback. I could easily spend my entire working day reviewing code (and sometimes, I do).

    I’ve seen rules and guidelines for how much time you should take for each SLOC in a review, but I think that’s meaningless. If I haven’t reasonably considered the consequences of a change—I’m not done reviewing the code.

    When you submit a patch, you should be mindful that review takes time. If this is a one-line change that you want rubber-stamped, then you should be explicit about that. Honestly, I’m pretty OK rubber-stamping the work of peers that I trust; however, asking for code review on that one line means that I will spend at least 15 minutes mentally shifting gears, examining, running, and otherwise poking-at the code.

    There is no better way to exhaust the patience and goodwill of a software project than to continually submit obviously untested changes. Have you run the code? If not, the code is not ready for review.

  • If everything is OK, then everything is OK

    Sometimes, I can’t find anything wrong with a large patch that was just submitted. If that’s the case, I try to not to penalize that patch—I don’t go back through the patch and really scrutinize the method names, I don’t suggest libraries that do the same thing but in a way I slightly prefer, I don’t enumerate the approaches that could have been taken. I just post, “+1 lgtm” and that’s all I have to show for the hour of work I just put in reviewing, but I think that’s OK.

    I feel like this is part of project culture. If a person you don’t know submits a good patch, that should be OK.

  • Say something nice

    This is probably my own weird insecurity. For each review, I go through and make sure to leave comments about some of the things I like in the patch. I know that whomever I am reviewing is my intellectual equal (or often intellectual better), and that they’ve just put a lot of time into this patch. I also know that when I’ve put a lot of time into something, and all of its redeeming qualities are ignored it stinks, and sometimes it fucks up my day.

    I try not to fuck up anyone’s day.

  • Nitpicks and show-stoppers

    When I review things, I try to be explicit if I can—“Fix this problem, and I’ll merge the patch.” There are times I may feel strongly that a piece of code can be improved, but not strongly enough to reject the patch—“Nitpick: could use a comment here”. I’ll reply overall with, “Some nitpicks inline, but overall lgtm” and then ask in IRC if they’re fine with the patch merging as-is.

    The difference between a nitpick and a show-stopper is important when there are both types of problems in one patch. How do I know what really needs fixing versus (what really amounts to) the way the reviewer would have written the same patch?

A blatant disregard for best practice, A.K.A. JFDI.

Code review is slow (by design) and hard to get right. Also (CAUTION: controversy ahead), some changes don’t need review. That is, they’re not important to the overall code function, and can be corrected easily. Adding a section to a README, or adding to the docs: JFDI. If there’s a spelling error, well, someone will fix it.

When you have to deploy a hot-fix to production because production is completely broken: JFDI.

I don’t like being a roadblock for things like this. There are many code-review systems that force you to gate changes like this. Ultimately, I think this creates something akin to alarm-fatigue but for code review. It hurts everyone involved, it hurts the process, and could cause some resentment.


I suppose the tl;dr here is: Code review is good when its done well, and bad when it’s done poorly. Earth shaking stuff, believe me—I know.

My big, bold, and important message about code review is—as with all processes that involve people—staying mindful that everyone involved is, in fact, a person is paramount to the process’s success.

Why I Will Continue to Use Linode
Tyler Cipriani Posted

I know that Linode has had its share of problems recently, but it's a service I won't be leaving any time soon.

In July of 2014, as part of the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Tor Challenge I decided to build a Tor node. Not only did I decide to build a Tor node, I decided to build an exit node. Running an exit node means that instead of passing traffic to another node on the Tor network, my node will be where Tor traffic exits the network, so it'll be my IP address that any end-points see as the source of traffic.

When I decided to run an exit node, I was using Comcast as my ISP—running a Tor exit node is definitely against Comcast's Terms of Service (TOS). By this point, I had been using Linode for many years to host a bunch of personal web projects, and I had no complaints. On a whim I perused the Linode TOS:

Linode does not prohibit the use of distributed, peer to peer network services such as Tor, nor does Linode routinely monitor the network communications of customer Linodes as a normal business practice.

So with that, I created intothetylerzone (because naming things is hard). It's a fast (1MB/s), stable, exit node supporting exits on a number of ports:

My Tor exit node is sometimes abused. There are fewer abuse-reports than I would have expected—I probably get 1 report every 3 or 4 months. I just handled an abuse report today from Linode (heavily edited):

We have received a report of malicious activity originating from your Linode. It appears that your Linode is being used to scan hosts. We ask that you investigate this matter as soon as you are able.

There was a follow-up message on the ticket with the specific IPs that were being scanned. I blocked any exit to those targeted IPs in my /etc/tor/torrc and replied to the ticket (most of this language comes from the operator-tools exit notice html):

This router is part of the Tor Anonymity Network, which is dedicated to providing people with anonymity who need it most: average computer users. This router IP should be generating no other traffic.

While Tor is not designed for malicious computer users, it is inevitable that some may use the network for malicious ends. In the mind of this operator, the social need for easily accessible censorship-resistant anonymous communication trumps the risk. Tor sees use by many important segments of the population, including whistle blowers, journalists, Chinese dissidents skirting the Great Firewall and oppressive censorship, abuse victims, stalker targets, the US military, and law enforcement, just to name a few.

I've updated my /etc/tor/torrc to include all ports on the destination IP:

ExitPolicy reject [targeted-ip]:*

I've also restarted the tor service. The destination IP should no longer receive any traffic from this machine.

Not 5 minutes later this reply came:


Thank you for your response. At this time, it looks like we can consider this case resolved. We will continue to monitor for additional complaints and let you know should we receive more.

I’ve set this ticket to close automatically in 48 hours, so there’s no need to respond since this case is now resolved.

Let us know if there's anything else we can do for you, and we'll be happy to help.

<3 Linode.

Without Linode I would be unable to host a stable and fast node. Linode supports online freedom, so I support Linode.

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
Git-Config Colors and Include
Tyler Cipriani Posted

While I was looking through my ~/.gitconfig today, I learned some new tricks.

I've had the color section in my ~/.gitconfig without really understanding it:

First, it seems that git config color.ui true is superfluous as it has been set to true by default since Git 1.8.4. More importantly, I learned that you can customize the colors of git-branch, git-diff, git-status, git log --decorate, git-grep, and git {add,clean} --interactive

The easiest way I could find to view what properties are available to colorize is to search for <slot> on the git-config man page.

The other neat thing I learned is that you can include other config files by adding an include section in your ~/.gitconfig:

By combining these two tricks, you can create one colorscheme for a terminal that uses the Tomorrow Theme and one for the terminal that uses Solarized and swap between them easily by swapping the symlink pointed at by ~/.config/git/color.config

I wish the symlink swap didn't have to happen – I wish you could just use environment variables.

As far as I can tell the only variables that are expanded in ~/.gitconfig are ~ to point at the current user's home directory and ~[user] points to [user]'s home directory.

include also fails silently by design.

I feel like there are some other neat tricks to uncover here, but I haven't quite grokked this to fullness just yet.

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
The 14KB in the TCP Initial Window
Tyler Cipriani Posted

Today I went to coffee with a buddy of mine from $DAY_JOB - 2. During coffee we were discussing all the folk theories of “fast” websites. I made some off-the-cuff remark that I didn’t really understand – that you should try to squeeze the most important bits of your website into the first X bytes (X being a value I didn’t remember) for an opaque reason that has to do with TCP congestion algorithms that I’ve never understood.

We spent a good chunk of time looking at Wireshark captures of an HTTP request. It got muddled and we got off-track because we were looking at an HTTPS request and we started talking about TLS1.2, CLIENT-HELLO, and the TLS handshake in general.

I eventually found the source for what I was yammering about.

Due to how TCP estimates the capacity of a connection (i.e. TCP Slow Start), a new TCP connection cannot immediately use the full available bandwidth between the client and the server. Because of this, the server can send up to 10 TCP packets on a new connection (~14KB) in first roundtrip, and then it must wait for client to acknowledge this data before it can grow its congestion window and proceed to deliver more data.

After I got home and ate some ice cream, I did some more reading trying to understand this stuff. I think a lot of what was confusing about the Wireshark stuff we were looking at is it also had TLS1.2 mixed in there. Requesting a plain-old HTTP, port 80 site made looking at packets a bit more sane.

It seems like the size of a TCP packet is negotiated during the SYN, SYN-ACK phase of the TCP three-way handshake. In the Options section of the TCP segment (for a segment that has the SYN-flag set in the TCP segment header) a sender or receiver may indicate a Max Segment Size (MSS). An MSS is derived from a machine’s Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU). In the case of my machine the MTU is set to 1500. I found this via the ip command:

The MSS is derived from the MTU and is (at most?) the MTU minus the 40 bytes used for the TCP header and the IP header, so my machine sent the MSS size of 1460 to the server in the Options section of the SYN TCP segment that it initially sent my webserver.

Client MSS

So the data portion of a TCP segment sent in this particular connection should never exceed 1460 bytes.

While we were looking at Wireshark packet captures we kept noticing a TCP segment size of 1486 in the “length” column with a TCP segment data length of 1432. I noticed that my webserver sent an MSS size of 1432, which I suppose became the limiting factor in how much data could be sent per segment (rather than the 1460 MSS sent by my client – the browser):

Server MSS

Each TCP segment had a header-size of 20 bytes, so that leaves 34 unexplained bytes which (I guess) were part of the IP header.

So why try to squeeze a website into ~14KB? Seems like you should be trying to squeeze it into 1432 bytes.

I found my answer in IETF RFC 6928 – a proposal to increase the TCP Initial Window to 10 segments. The Initial Congestion Window (cwnd) is the maximum number of bytes that a server can send without receiving any acknowledgement that the bytes were received via a client ACK packet. This maximum number of bytes to send is calculated by multiplying some number by MSS. As of RFC 6928 some number is equal to 10 (initially).

I checked the value of cwnd on some established connections on my server:

And it is indeed set to 10.

This means that my server can send cwnd * MSS bytes of information before the client has to acknowledge that anything has been receieved. So, in the case of the Wireshark connection I recorded, my webserver can send 1432 * 10 bytes, or 14320 bytes:

OR around 14KB of data can be sent to a browser before another round-trip from the client to the webserver has to happen.

So, overall, a nice, relaxing coffee and catch-up session with an old coworker.

Git Annex Metadata Filtered Views
Tyler Cipriani Posted

Git annex goes mindbogglingly deep.

I use git annex to manage my photos – I have tons of RAW photos in ~/Pictures that are backed-up to a few git annex special remotes.

Whenever I'm done editing a set of raw files I go through this song and dance:

And magically my raw files are available on s3 and my home NAS.

If I jump over to a different machine I can run:

Now that raw file is available on my new machine, I can open it in Darktable, I can do whatever I want to it: it's just a file.

This is a pretty powerful extension of git.

While I was reading the git annex internals page today I stumbled across an even more powerful feature: metadata. You can store and retrieve arbitrary metadata about any git annex file. For instance, if I wanted to store EXIF info for a particular file, I could do:

And I can drop that file and still retrieve the EXIF data

This is pretty neat, but it can also be achieved with git notes so it's nothing too spectacular.

But git annex metadata doesn't quite stop there.

Random background

My picture directory is laid out like this:

I have directories for each year, under those directories I create directories that are prefixed with the ISO 8601 import date for the photo, some memorable project name (like mom-birthday or rmnp-hike). Inside that directory I have 2 directories: raw and edit. Inside each one of those directories, I have photos that are named with ISO 8601 import date, project name, and 5-digit import number and a file extension – raw files go in raw and edited/finished files edit.

I got this system from Riley Brandt (I can't recommend the Open Source Photography Course enough – it's amazing!) and it's served me well. I can find stuff! But git annex really expands the possibilities of this system.

Fictional, real-world, totally real actually happening scenario

I go to Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) multiple times per year. I've taken a lot of photos there. If I take a trip there in October I will generally import those photos in October and create 2015/2015-10-05_RMNP-hike/{raw,edit}, and then if I go there again next March I'd create 2016/2016-03-21_RMNP-daytrip-with-blazey/{raw,edit}. So if I want to preview my RMNP edited photos from October I'd go:

But what happens if I want to see all the photos I've ever taken in RMNP? I could probably cook up some script to do this. Off the top of my head I could do something like find . -iname '*rmnp*' -type l, but that would undoubtedly miss some files from a project in RMNP that I didn't name with the string rmnp. Git annex gives me a different option: metadata tags.

Metadata Tags

Git annex supports a special type of short metadata – --tag. With --tag, you can tag individual files in your repo.

The WMF reading team offsite in 2016 was partially in RMNP, but I didn't name any photos RMNP because that wasn't the most memorable bit of information about those photos (reading-team-offsite seemed like a better project name) nor did RMNP represent all the photos from the offsite. I should tag a few of those photos rmnp with git annex:

Also, when my old roommate came to town we went to RMNP, but I tagged those photos cody-family-adventure-time. So let's tag a few of those rmnp, too:

Metadata views

Now the thing that was really surprising to me, you can filter the whole pictures directory based on a particular tag with git annex by using a metadata driven view.

I can even filter this view using other tags with git annex vfilter tag=whatever. And I can continue to edit, refine, and work with the photo files from there.

This feature absolutely blew my mind – I dropped what I was doing to write this – I'm trying to think of a good way to work it into my photo workflow :)

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License