Books Read (so far) in 2016
Tyler Cipriani Posted

The goal here is to hit 2 books a month, so 24 for the year. I’m on track as of now. Perilous.

  1. Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein
  2. Black Hole by Charles Burns
  3. Fun Home by Alison Bechdel
  4. The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
  5. Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein
  6. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
  7. The Circle by Dave Eggers
  8. Notorious RBG by Irin Carmon and Shana Knizhnik
  9. The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu
  10. A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
  11. Stoner by John Williams
  12. Prost! The Story of German Beer by Horst D. Dornbusch
  13. Bock by Darryl Richman
  14. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick
  15. Room by Emma Donoghue
  16. Kitchen Confidential: adventures in the culinary underbelly by Anthony Bourdain
  17. H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald
Updates around here
Tyler Cipriani Posted

I’ve (mostly) finished moving my blog off of Jekyll and over to IkiWiki.

The source for my posts is still on github. My Jekyll stuff is still in thcipriani/blog_src. My IkiWiki stuff can be found in thcipriani/wiki. I’ve also made a couple of plugins for IkiWiki—one to use Pygments for syntax highlighting, another to use s3cmd to do my publishing. I’ll get around to publishing those plugins Soon™. For whatever reason the amazon_s3 plugin for IkiWiki failed in strange ways for me.

Content Ownership

This move was prompted mostly by content ownership and licensing issues.

On the previous iteration of this site, I used the Disqus service (which is really good) for comments—but I really wanted to own the comments on my blog! I wanted to be certain that the comments made here were owned by the folks that made them and licensed in a Free way. To that end, I exported all comments from Disqus (which is an awesome feature) and imported them into a service that I hosted on a tiny platform called Isso. Isso seems like good software, and everything worked out of the box.


So after a lot of yak shaving, I was running on Jekyll and Isso which are both MIT Licensed projects. For my personal blog, I really wanted to use something with a Copyleft license. The criteria of a statically-generated blog and comment system with a Copyleft license was surprisingly limiting.

I looked at using Pelican and IkiWiki. Ultimately, IkiWiki just seemed more flexible and extensible to me. Plus, I’m writing this via the CGI and it will be built statically and uploaded to s3 which is kind of neat.


I’ve made some effort to ensure that RSS feeds don’t break. This effort consists of a single 301 redirect.

I’ve also written a new comment policy for this site.

Sorry if I’ve broken things. Let me know if I’ve broken things badly.

(ab)Using Git Notes
Tyler Cipriani Posted


I like to post my photos on the internet. I used to post all of my photos on Flickr, but that site has been getting worse and worse and worse. More recently, I’ve been using a static photo gallery generator I wrote hacked together that I (perhaps unfortunately) named hiraeth.

Hiraeth is, to put it mildly, missing some features. There are a few reasons that I opted to create hiraeth rather than use something that was already built:

  1. I need to host my own photos now, evidently. The internet has seemingly decided to sell its user-base to the highest bidder, so hosted services are out.
  2. I think it makes sense to host my photos statically, since they’re static (mostly).
  3. I really like the way my ~/Pictures directory is organized—I can find stuff—and I don’t want to mess all that up to generate a crappy website out of my photos.
  4. I use git-annex to manage my ~/Pictures, which creates…unique challenges :)

Hiraeth is invoked like: publish [edited-photo-dir] [output-dir]. Hiraeth looks for a file named _metadata.yaml inside the directory of edited photos and uses that to map photo files to photo descriptions and add titles and whatnot to the page. It makes a few different sized thumbnails of each photo, grabs the exif info, and generates some html.

Hiraeth was designed to look and behave like a static version of Flickr circa 2007. There are still features to add, but there is a base that works in place at least.

Home Pictures

I mange my ~/Pictures directory using git-annex (which I’ve wanted to write something about for a long time). This is mostly amazing and great. Git-annex has a lot of cool features. For instance, in git-annex once you’ve copied files to a remote, it will allow you to “drop” a file locally to save space. You can still get the file back from the remote any time you rootin’ tootin’ feel like, so nbd. Occasionally, when I’m running out of space on one machine or another, I’ll drop a bunch of photos.

The ability to drop a bunch of photos means that hiraeth needs to be able to get photo metadata from a picture without having the file actually be on disk.


We use gerrit at work and I genuinely like it.

<rant> The web-UI is one of the worst interfaces I’ve ever used. The web interface is an unfortunate mix of late-90s, designed-by-engineers, impossibly-option-filled interface mashed together in an unholy union with a fancy-schmancy new-fangled javascripty single-page application. It’s basically a mix of two interface paradigms I hate, yet rarely see in concert: back-button breakage + no design aesthetic whatsoever. </rant>

HOWEVER, The workflow gerrit enforces, the git features it uses, and the beautiful repository history that results makes gerrit a really nice code review system.

Gerrit is the first system I’ve seen use git-notes.

Gerrit has a cool feature where it keeps all of the patch review in git-notes:

tyler@taskmaster:mediawiki-core$ git fetch origin refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*
remote: Counting objects: 176401, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (147886/147886)
remote: Getting sizes: 100% (1723/1723)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (116810/116810)
remote: Total 147886 (delta 120436), reused 147854 (delta 120434)
Receiving objects: 100% (147886/147886), 14.91 MiB | 3.01 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (120449/120449), done.
From ssh://
 * [new ref]         refs/notes/commits -> refs/notes/commits
 * [new ref]         refs/notes/review -> refs/notes/review
tyler@taskmaster:mediawiki-core$ ls -l .git/refs/notes
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 tyler tyler 41 Aug 28 16:44 commits
-rw-r--r-- 1 tyler tyler 41 Aug 28 16:44 review
tyler@taskmaster:mediawiki-core$ git log --show-notes=review --author='Tyler Cipriani'
 commit ab131d4be475bf87b0f0a86fa356a2b1a188a673
 Author: Tyler Cipriani <>
 Date:   Tue Mar 22 09:08:52 2016 -0700
 Revert "Add link to anon's user page; remove "Not logged in""
 This reverts change I049d0671a7050.
 This change was reverted in the wmf/1.27.0-wmf.17. Since there is no
 clear consensus, revert in master before branching wmf/1.27.0-wmf.18.
 Bug: T121793
 Change-Id: I2dc0f2562c908d4e419d34e80a64065843778f3d
 Notes (review):
     Verified+2: jenkins-bot
     Code-Review+2: Legoktm <>
     Submitted-by: jenkins-bot
     Submitted-at: Tue, 22 Mar 2016 18:08:27 +0000
     Project: mediawiki/core
     Branch: refs/heads/master

This is super cool. You can have, effectively, an offline backup of lots of information you’d usually have to brave the gerrit web-ui to find. Plus, you don’t have to have this information in your local repo taking up space, it’s only there if you fetch it down.

There is another project from Google that uses git-notes for review called git-appraise.

This is the stated use of git-notes in the docs: store extra information about a commit, without changing the SHA1 of the commit by modifying its contents.

It is, however, noteworthy that you can store a note that points to any object in your repository and not just commit objects.

EXIF data without pictures

After some minor testing it seems that I can store all the EXIF info I need about my images in git-notes without actually having those images on disk; i.e., I can have git-annex drop the actual files and just have broken symlinks that point to where the files live in annex.

I wrote a small bash script to play with some of these ideas.

tyler@taskmaster:Pictures$ git photo show fish.jpg
+ git notes --ref=pictures show d4a9c57715ce63a228577900d1abc027
error: No note found for object d4a9c57715ce63a228577900d1abc0273396e8ef.
tyler@taskmaster:Pictures$ git photo add fish.jpg
+ git notes --ref=pictures add -m 'FileName: fish.jpg
FileTypeExtension: jpg
Model: NIKON D610
LensID: AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
FocalLength: 62.0 mm
FNumber: 2.8
ISO: 3200' d4a9c57715ce63a228577900d1abc027
+ set +x
tyler@taskmaster:Pictures$ git photo show fish.jpg
+ git notes --ref=pictures show d4a9c57715ce63a228577900d1abc027
FileName: fish.jpg
FileTypeExtension: jpg
Model: NIKON D610
LensID: AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
FocalLength: 62.0 mm
FNumber: 2.8
ISO: 3200
+ set +x

Now it seems like it should be possible to git push origin refs/notes/pictures, fetch them on the other side, and modify hiraeth to read EXIF from notes when the symlink target doesn’t exist.

We’ll see how any of that goes in practice :

Bash Completion
Tyler Cipriani Posted


Most Debian installed bash completions live under /usr/share/bash_completion/completions

# the first argument ($1) is the name of the command whose  arguments are being completed
# the second argument ($2) is the word being completed,
# and the third argument ($3) is the word preceding the word  being  completed  on the current command line
# In the context of this function the following variables are defined:
# as well as COMP_WORDS and COMP_CWORD
#  It must put the possible completions in the COMPREPLY array
# See bash(1) '^  Programmable Completion' for more information
_some_function() {
  local cur cmd
  cmd=( "${COMP_WORDS[@]}" )
complete -F _some_function command

complete options

Some complete options you want:

  • -o bashdefault - if no completions are found do the bash default thing
  • -o default - readline completions if both the complete function and bash expansions fail
  • -o nospace - don’t append a space at the end of matches (useful if you’re doing directory stuffs)
  • -S or -P - a prefix or suffix that is added at the end of a completion generated by the function passed to complete -F


# Many of the ideas presented in this script were stolen
# in-part or wholesale from
# <>
__scap_get_subcommands() {
    if [ -n "$__scap_subcommands" ]; then

    __scap_subcommands=$(scap --_autocomplete)

_scap() {
    local cur cmd=() sub rep

    cmd=( "${COMP_WORDS[@]}" )

    if (( COMP_CWORD == 1 )); then
        rep=$( compgen -W "$__scap_subcommands" -- "$cur" )
        COMPREPLY=( $rep )

    # limit the command to autocomplete to the first 3 words
    if (( COMP_CWORD >= 2 )); then
        # don't complete any sub-subcommands, only options
        if [[ -n "$cur" && "${cur:0:1}" != '-' ]]; then
        cmd=( "${COMP_WORDS[@]:0:3}" )

    # replace the last word in the command with '--_autocomplete'
    cmd[ $(( ${#cmd[@]} - 1 )) ]='--_autocomplete'

    rep=$( compgen -W "$( ${cmd[@]} )" -- "$cur" )

    COMPREPLY=( $rep )

# By default append nospace except when completion comes from _scap
complete -S' ' -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F _scap scap

Aug 2016