Bitlebee/IRC info
Tyler Cipriani Posted

Helpful Posts

- post

  • Datko's book has this same kinda stuff.

Restart bitlbee without restarting Weechat

Setup OTR

First had to install the bitlbee-plugin-otr plugin:

In the &bitlebee window

account list
> @root 0 (gtalk): jabber, (connected)
> @root 1 (twitter): twitter, thcipriani (connected)

Will return a list of accounts that are currently setup in bitlbee.

To generate a key for the 0th account—gmail in my case:

otr keygen 0
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
VHS to MP4 on Linux
Tyler Cipriani Posted

I recently ordered a set of videos that I remember from a few years ago that did not make the jump to DVD, unfortunately.

I do have a VCR; however, I never have it hooked up because…why would I?

The solution here: convert my VHS tapes into H.264/MP3 mp4-contained files.

Now the question is: how?


I managed to grab an EasyCap D60 Recording device from Amazon.

This device is supported inside the linux kernel (from version 3.18 forward…maybe?)

Once I plugged in this device, it was working:

This bad boy:

Bus 1 Device 016: ID 1b71:3002 Fushicai USBTV007 Video Grabber [EasyCAP]

I checked out:

And I noticed a new video device video1. Easy.

Capture Software

I used VLC to caputre raw input.

  1. MediaOpen Caputre Device
  2. Video Device Name/dev/video1
  3. Audio Device Namehw:2,0
  4. Play pulldown menu → Convert
  5. Dump Raw Input
  6. Destination File/home/tyler/Videos
  7. Start
  8. Hit play on the VCR
  9. Hit the Rec. button in VLC

The auto-named avi file in ~/Videos was FUCKING HUGE.


I found a blog where a person does this. I have a vauge memory about doing this at UpSync, so I'll give it a shot: 2-pass mp4 conversion.

Let's see what happens!

The settings above created an mp4 that could be played via x264 on a RaspberryPi 3.

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
Beaglebone Black Setup on Debian 8
Tyler Cipriani Posted

Flash eMMC with latest Debian image

  1. Download Debian image [whatever].img.xz
  2. Insert microSD card and make sure that it is unmounted
    • lsblk
    • fdisk -l
  3. Copy the img to the microSD card

    This step will take a lot of time.

  4. Mount the microSD card and make sure it flashes to the beaglebone:

    Uncomment the line:

  5. Hookup the USB-to-serial cable
    • Connect Black Wire to Pin 1 (closest to 5v barrel)
    • Connect Green Wire to Pin 4 (2 pins from pin 1)
    • Connect White Wire to Pin 5
  6. Connect to USB, check output of dmesg for which /dev/ the serial connection is on
  7. Connect to serial connection via screen

  8. put sdcard in BBB and power up, hold the S2 button, power up
  9. Wait, the status lights will flash in a cylon pattern, you can watch the eMMC flash progress via screen
  10. All User LEDs should be solid on completion

More info is available on the BeagleBoneBlack Wiki

Initial setup

Connect over SSH

To connect via ssh: plugin beaglebone to computer via SSH

Wifi Setup

  1. Plugin the wifi adapter
  2. Reboot (unplug it and plug it back in)
  3. Generate your pre-shared key using wpa_passphrase (see Debian Wiki)
  4. vim /etc/network/interfaces

  5. ifdown wlan0; ifup wlan0
  6. use ip -o addr show to confirm that you have an ip address

Update debian

Use the Debian Upgrade Script to update debian:

Basic security

Make a root password

  • Install pwgen: sudo apt-get install pwgen
  • Generate a root password: pwgen -Bsy 16 1
  • Store that password in your password store—you'll never remember it
  • Login to beaglebone via ssh, run passwd

Add a privileged non-root user

Remove demo user

  • userdel -fr debian

Lockdown ssh

Fun Stuff

Things to remember

thank god for 1wire temp sensor blog posts:

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
neovim on debian
Tyler Cipriani Posted

Installing Neovim

  1. Install Prerequisites

  2. Clone repo

  3. Make install

Setup Neovim

License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License