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Is it just me, or are Fridays the longest, most boring, punishing, and brutal work day ever? Just me? Ok….well…ANYWAY, why spend your day working when you could be making (or listening to) paper airplanes? The one pictured above is the lecture dart, to me, creative names for paper airplanes are almost as important as how well a plane flies; the world is about marketing, after all. Check out the Online Paper Airplane Museum I found on MAKE.
I recovered this article from my old blog via the Internet Archive. If you found this article useful or entertaining (or even if you didn’t) consider donating to the Internet Archive
Bookmarklets — I’ve heard the word. I never really cared about them; just one more thing online that I’m not interested in. This was my opinion before I actually knew what bookmarklets were. Now I know, bookmarklets are tiny bits of javascript that you bookmark to add functionality to your browser. It sounds pointless, but when you find some useful bookmarklets, you’ll see a point. Added bonus? Finally use your Firefox bookmark toolbar for good instead of evil. Before I get started on my list you might want to check out a useful screencast on using bookmarklets.
- TinyURL - click this bookmark to create a tiny url for the page that you are currently viewing.
- BugMeNot - click this to open a window with a username and password for the site that you’re currently viewing.
- Wikipedia lookup - highlight some text, click this bookmarklet and it automagically searches for the highlighted text in wikipedia.
- Google Translate - Translates the page you’re view to english (google translate can also be used as a proxy to view restricted pages)
- IMDb - highlight the plain-text title of the movie you want to lookup on IMDb and click the bookmarklet
- Oxford English Dictionary - highlight work and click for definition
- Ebay - highlight item name and click bookmarklet
I recovered this article from my old blog via the Internet Archive. If you found this article useful or entertaining (or even if you didn’t) consider donating to the Internet Archive