I just finished reading The Python Corner’s post “Lambdas and Functions in Python.” The post acts as an introduction to the use of functions as first-class objects in python. The demo code is the implementation of a “Reverse Polish Notation” calculator.

I had never heard of reverse polish notation(RPN) before this post. The short explanation of RPN is available on Wikipedia:

In reverse Polish notation, the operators follow their operands; for instance, to add 3 and 4, one would write 3 4 + rather than 3 + 4.

In that blog post RPN is implemented as a stack of operands and after an operator is pushed onto the stack, the compute() method is called which triggers the evaluation of the lambda specified by the operator. Like this:

The point of the post is to show a python dict using operands as keys with lambdas as values; this demonstrates that lambdas are functions and functions are first-class objects. This allows the compute method of the RPNEngine class to look up a lambda in a dict, and pop() off the stack using the signature function of the inspect module to determine how many arguments are needed for a particular lambda. From there, lambda evaluation is handed off to helper functions named, for instance, compute_operation_with_two_operands and compute_operation_with_one_operand


One other functional concept that could have helped the example code is that of currying. Currying involves changing a function with multiple arity into a series of evaluations of multiple functions each with an arity of 1.

This is a fancy way to say:

By turning the compute_operation_with_n_operands-type functions into curried functions, the code gets much cleaner. That is, instead of a switch like:

You can implement a curried function using a callable python object and do something like:

func = self.catalog[operation]

while not func.resolved:

This gets rid of the clunky compute_operation_with_n_operands functions. Here is the full code for a solution using currying:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Engine class for RPN Calculator

import math

from functools import partial
from inspect import signature

class Curry(object):
    Curry a callable

    Given a callable, returns a an object that can be used like a curried

    >>> c1 = Curry(lambda x, y: x + y)
    >>> c2 = Curry(lambda x, y: x + y)
    >>> c1(2, 2) == c2(2)(2)

    :func: callable
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func
        self.argc = len(signature(self.func).parameters)
        self.resolved = False
        self.answer = None

    def __call__(self, *args):
        if len(args) == self.argc:
            self.answer = self.func(*args)
            self.resolved = True

        for arg in args:
            self.func = partial(self.func, arg)
            self.argc = len(signature(self.func).parameters)

        return self

class RPNEngine(object):
    Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) Engine

    A RPN calculator
    >>> rpn = RPNEngine()
    >>> rpn.push(2)
    >>> rpn.push(2)
    >>> rpn.compute('+') == 4
    >>> rpn.compute('AC')
    >>> rpn.push(2)
    >>> rpn.compute('^2') == 4
    def __init__(self):
        self.stack = []
        self.functions = self._get_functions()

    def _get_functions(self):
        return {
            '+': Curry(lambda x, y: x + y),
            '-': Curry(lambda x, y: x - y),
            '*': Curry(lambda x, y: x * y),
            '/': Curry(lambda x, y: x / y),
            '^2': Curry(lambda x: x * x),
            "SQRT": Curry(lambda x: math.sqrt(x)),
            "C": Curry(lambda: self.stack.pop()),
            "AC": Curry(lambda: self.stack.clear()),

    def push(self, item):

    def pop(self):
            return self.stack.pop()
        except IndexError:

    def compute(self, operation):
        func = self.functions.get(operation)

        if not func:
            raise BaseException('%s not a valid function' % operation)

        if len(self.stack) < func.argc:
            raise BaseException(
                '%s requires %d operands, %d given' % (

        if func.argc == 0:

        while not func.resolved:

        return func.answer

Reading the final code in the Python Corner post made me me really itchy to implement the solution I posted here.